In Australia’s towns and cities, people are in rental stress. Families, professionals, essential workers, students and creatives – millions of people – being forced from the hearts of our urban centres, denied a chance at community, and increasingly held back from living ‘sustainable’ lifestyles. So – what are we going to do?
THE RENTERS is satirical, solutions-led impact documentary hosted by comedian and renter Mark Humphries, who dives into Australia's housing system.
With an associated impact campaign highlighting solutions to one of the wicked problems of our time, THE RENTERS aims to entertain, inform and activate.
With a team of award-winning journalists, doco makers, comedians and, ahem, *renters* behind it (Mark Humphries and Evan Williams (ABC, SBS), Bill Code (Al Jazeera, The Guardian), Justine Moyle (Tall Poppy), Craig Reucassel (War on Waste, The Chaser) Ange McCormack (The Monthly, JJJ), The Renters will either make you laugh, cry, or demand change. It might make you do all three!